09/04/24 Wed - Day 1:
- hw 1
sec 0.1: 1e,3e,3b,3g,4d,5n,6d,7n {4b,5k,6b,7c}
sec 1.1: 1b,1c,6 {8,9}
- Reading
page 7 : What May I Assume?
09/06/24 Fri - Day 2:
- 0.1 Compound Statements - and, or, implications
- 1.1 Truth Tables
- Reading
page 21 : Example 4
page 22 : Problem 5
09/09/24 Mon - Day 3:
- 0.1 Compound Statements - contrapositive, negation
- Reading
page 10 Pause 10
page 12 Problem 1
09/11/24 Wed - Day 4:
- 0.2 Proofs in Mathematics - direct, cases
- hw 2
sec 0.2: 3b,6,13,14,15,17,20,22 {1a,23,29}
- Reading
page 13 Problem 5 and its solution
page 14 Problem 6 and its solution
09/13/24 Fri - Day 5:
- hw 1 due; include sections {0.1,1.1}
- journal 1 due; include worksheets {0.1,1.1}
- assessment_1 {0.1,1.1}
09/16/24 Mon - Day 6:
- 0.2 Proofs in Mathematics - contrapositive, contradiction, counter example
- Reading
page 39
09/18/24 Wed - Day 7:
- 2.1 Sets
- hw 3
sec 2.1: 2d,3b,6c,10b,12b,12e,14b,14c {3c,6a,11,14a}
sec 2.2: 5f,8b,13b,15a,15b,20b {5b,8c,12b}
- Reading
page 46 Problem 9
page 48 Example 12
09/20/24 Fri - Day 8:
- hw 2 due; include sections {0.2}
- journal 2 due; include worksheets {0.2}
- assessment_2 {0.2}
09/23/24 Mon - Day 9:
- 2.2 Operations on Sets
- Reading
page 74 Example 2
page 74 Example 3
09/25/24 Wed - Day 10:
- 3.1 Basic Terminology
- hw 4
sec 3.1: 10,23,31b {11 correction -> floor(x) + n = floor(x+n) and n is an integer,31a}
sec 3.2: 10c,11e,19c,22b,24a {20a,23b,23c,24c}
- Reading
page 80 Example 14
page 82 Example 19
09/27/24 Fri - Day 11:
- hw 3 due; include sections {2.1,2.2}
- journal 3 due; include worksheets {2.1,2.2}
- assessment_3 {2.1,2.2}
09/30/24 Mon - Day 12:
- 3.2 Inverses and Composition
- Reading
page 88 Example 24
page 88 Example 25
10/02/24 Wed - Day 13:
- 3.3 1-1 Correspondence and the Cardinality of a Set
- hw 5
sec 3.3: 3a,9,10,24a,27a {6,22b,26}
- Reading
page 98
10/04/24 Fri - Day 14:
- hw 4 due; include sections {3.1,3.2}
- journal 4 due; include worksheets {3.1,3.2}
- assessment_4 {3.1,3.2}
10/07/24 Mon - Day 15:
- 4.1 The Division Algorithm
- Reading
page 106 Definition 4.2.4
page 108 Definition 4.2.7
10/09/24 Wed - Day 16:
# Exam Review
10/11/24 Fri - Day 17:
# Exam
- hw 5 due; include sections {3.3}
- journal 5 due; include worksheets {3.3}
10/14/24 Mon - Day 18:
# No Class
10/16/24 Wed - Day 19:
- 4.2 Divisibility and the Euclidean Algorithm
- hw 6
sec 4.1: 3,5a,5b,5f {7,6a}
sec 4.2: 6,9,11,12e,12f,24 {8,10d,12d,19b,25}
10/18/24 Fri - Day 20:
# Exam Solutions and Midterm Feedback
10/21/24 Mon - Day 21:
- 4.2 Divisibility and the Euclidean Algorithm
- Reading
page 149 Principle 5.1.1
page 149 Problem 3
10/23/24 Wed - Day 22:
- 5.1 Mathematical Induction
10/25/24 Fri - Day 23:
- hw 6 due; include sections {4.1,4.2}
- journal 6 due; include worksheets {4.1,4.2}
10/28/24 Mon - Day 24:
- 5.2 Recursively Defined Sequences
10/30/24 Wed - Day 25:
- 5.2 Recursively Defined Sequences
11/01/24 Fri - Day 26:
- hw 7 due; include sections {5.1,5.2}
- journal 7 due; include worksheets {5.1,5.2}
- assessment_5 {4.1,4.2}